AMSC Academy & Journal Club
To encourage respectful and scientific discussion of journal articles or cutting edge research topics.
To foster a community supporting all medical professionals, and advocate for minority and disadvantaged groups.
Article submission:
Email articles of interest to office@; a wide range of clinical topics is welcome.
Articles of interest will be published every fortnight with a summary of the issues of concern/journal discussion.
Forum Etiquette
Please be respectful to all forum users, and critique articles respectfully.
By Invitation Only
Members may join the group by invitation only and will require verification of credentials. Group members do not have to be AMSC Members to participate in discussion but are highly encouraged to join our family.
No promotions or spam
Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren't allowed. Advertising, non-clinical and offensive posts will not be tolerated and members may be removed from the group.
Respect everyone's privacy
Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What's shared in the group should stay in the group.
Screen capture and sharing of discussions outside of this group is prohibited. Members will be removed from this group if found.
Please Respect the Admin Team
All Admin decisions are final.
We are all busy professionals, and it takes time and effort to moderate the forum. We hope to foster a group that can have a mature discussion without resorting to personal ridicule or attack. No attacks against the admin/moderators will be tolerated.
By posting in this group you agree to abide by terms and conditions of acceptable use.
*Subject to approval by our Publications Subcommittee and Terms & Conditions.
All submissions will be credited to the original author.