Our Mission:
To serve our community’s minority and disadvantaged groups with the aim of attaining equitable access to healthcare for all.
Our Values:
AMSC values inclusivity for all members of the community, equity of access to healthcare, empowerment of disadvantaged groups, collaboration within the health community, and sustainability of our impact.
We wish to provide healthcare workers with a community and platform to share knowledge and create meaningful professional relationships.
We believe that only by nurturing a high quality workforce that is open-minded, competent, respectful and empathic towards the needs of the community may we best achieve our mission.
Our Strategy:
Increase health awareness through education on health systems to empower minority and disadvantaged groups, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, so that we may attain the best quality of care.
We aim to support health professionals through:
Vocational planning
Continuing professional education
Professional and business support services
We aim to support our community through:
Online education on healthcare systems
Accessible information for local healthcare providers
Community health education programs
Raising funds for minority and disadvantaged groups
We pledge to uphold ethical practice, respect, honesty and accountability to all practitioners and our community.